Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Christmas Day Walk to Montmartre

 Pigeons stalking Aston Martin outside Wagram Metro
 Ducks in the Square des Batignolles
 The bridge above Montmartre Cemetery
 Plumber on Rue Caulaincourt
 Le Sacré Coeur, hanging Santa and modified sign
 Stained light and cross in Saint Pierre de Montmartre
 Christmas Sky over Paris
 Saint Eustache and the Pantheon seen from Sacré Coeur
 Street art near Metro Abbesses: "Aimer c'est du desordre... alors aimons!"
 Warm enough to sit outside comfortably on rue des Abbesses
 What we didn't get for Christmas, on rue Lepic
Christmas decorations and afternoon light on rue de Levis

1 comment:

Carly said...

I just love your blog. I recently returned from a year in Paris, and I'm in a perpetual state of nostalgia. I love these pictures.